Monday, December 27, 2010

Baby Puke is Awesome

Monday mornings are always a little bit hectic. Not only am I not a morning person but my alarm goes off at 6am if my daughter hasn’t already woken me up.

There is an attempt to get ready and look reasonably professional. There are bottles, a diaper bag and lunches to pack. There’s a car to be warmed while baby girl is being changed and ready for her day at the sitters. It’s a lot to cram into an hour and 15 minutes.

Today was much of the hectic same. Poor Dusty had been up with Addilyn every three hours last night. She’s been sick and not sleeping well. I took her from his sleepy arms this morning to change her diaper quickly before putting her in the car seat. The car was running and we were moments from being late.

As I approached the changing table Addilyn decided to show me how much she loved me – by puking all down the front of my dress. It was warm, sticky and not so wonderful at 7 am. There I am, standing half naked, puke still running down my chest as I attempt to grab a baby wipe to clean myself up, change her and get on my way.

Thank goodness I had the same exact dress in a different color to throw on as I walked out the door. Did I mention how much I love mornings?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ode to Moochie

Just three days before Christmas I had to make the unexpected decision to put my dog, Moochie, to sleep. Unbeknownst to me she was in the very final stages of lymphoma. One lymph node should have been the size of a walnut. It was the size of a softball. The doctor said by her labored breathing the cancer had spread everywhere. She didn’t believe Moochie even had days left to live.

I took Moochie to the vet expecting an expensive bill, some medicine, and for her to come home. I walked out of the office with an expensive bill, a bag of her stuff, and no Moochie. I’ve never had to do something so heartbreaking in my life.

Moochie has been my best friend for five and a half years. I adopted her from Citizens for Humane Action in the summer of 2005 when I returned to Columbus from college. I was depressed, jobless and so miserable my family didn’t even want to be with me. Moochie entered my life during one of my most vulnerable moments.

The following five and half years included so much change for me. Moochie was a loving support and constant companion during that time. I don’t think I could have been as happy without her. There will be no dog like her and I will always be a little empty without her.

This list is my promises to her,
  I will always think of you when I eat pizza. I know it was your favorite.
 You were always so good with Addilyn. I’ll make sure she’s an animal lover so she can show the same love to animals that you showed her.
  I’ll take more walks and stick my nose in the air – just like you loved to do.
  I’ll drive with the windows down in the summer in honor of you.
  I’ll play in the first snow every year with the same excitement that you showed.
  I’ll show unconditional love to those around me – well, most of them.
  I’ll remember how important cuddle time is.
  Whenever I go in the bathroom I’ll remember your favorite napping spot.
  I’ll always keep you with me.
 l'll always love you.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Aw, crap.

I found this picture on a blog belonging to a friend of my sister-in-law. It immediately made me laugh and I couldn't help but share.

Congratulations Julie and Brian!

Congratulations to my dear friends Julie and Brian who recently got engaged!!!

Brian proposed on their annual trip to see the Christmas lights at the Columbus Zoo. Way to go Brian for surprising Julie and doing a bang up job on the ring. Bling bling!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'm writing again!

I hate first blog entries.
I want to make a great debut with something smart and witty but I’m faced with the pressing need to introduce myself. So here are a few things about me.

1. I live with my wonderful boyfriend, Dusty, of three years.
2. We just had our first baby, a girl, this July. She makes even the worst day, happy again.
3. I’m a former journalist, turned sales rep, hoping to return to the world of communications.
4. I have an adorable old dog named Moochie.
5. My family and friends are the upmost priority for me.
6. Music and books are a huge inspiration to me. They also calm me.
7. Part of the reason I love Christmas is because I get to wrap all the gifts.

I started this blog as a way to get my creative juices flowing again. I miss writing. Plus I figured it would be a great excuse to take a few minutes for myself; especially since those don’t really seem to exist when you have a newborn.
