Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Trading in

I read a friend's Facebook status the other day and it resonated with me immediately. It was about becoming a mom and things you traded in with your new role. For example sleep for dark circles, salon haircuts for ponytails, long showers for quick showers, late nights for early mornings, etc. These are all SOOO TRUE!!

It really got me thinking about the simple and amazing ways my life has changed. Addilyn is nine months old today and it has been a ride like I could have never imagined. Everyone told us our lives were going to change. Well of course it would, we were having a baby. But I had no idea what was in store for me. I was your typical naive new parent.

In the last nine months I've laughed, I've cried, I've been angry and sad. I've worried about money, her safety, my relationship with Dusty, family, friends, and my sanity. But more importantly being with her has already been the happiest moments in my life - and she's only nine months old.

I thought I'd make a little list of my own. How my life has changed ... and for the better.

I've traded in...
Lengthy novels for picture books
Late night hangouts for early morning smiles
Leisurely dinner and drinks with friends for family friendly brunches
Beautiful high heels for comfy flats
Pussycat Dolls CDs for the Itsy Bitsy Spider
Dry clean only dresses for yoga pants and t-shirts
A flat(er) tummy for my kangaroo flap with 7 inch c-section scar
Being selfish for thinking every second about someone more important than myself.
Jewelry (pretty much of any kind) for chew friendly necklaces or something that won't choke me when pulled.
Unlimited peace and quite for giggles and tickle fests.
That new clothes budget to have the best dressed daughter in town
A perfectly picked up home for toy boxes and exersaucers
My coffee table for ample play room

Before I had children these type of lists would scare me. "Erg...is that what I'm in for?" I'd whine as shivers were sent down my spine. But amazing things happen when you're on the other side. All those so-called sacrifices are actually choices you make and willingly so. These moments are infinitely better than I imagined. I may not sleep past 7am anymore but I've never been so happy in the morning as when I see Addilyn's smiling face. That smile changes my whole outlook on the day. That smile literally makes every day better.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Mama's Getting Hitched

Ah, my loyal readers I have let you down. It has been about three months since I posted or even wrote a blog. Just as I was starting to get in a grove and posting regularly it all came crumbling down.

There have been a great many things happening in this Mommy's world. Most importantly is this:

Dusty proposed!!!! That's right kids, my man and I are finally getting hitched! It's been 3.5 years and a beautiful baby girl in the making.

At one time it seemed like so many obstacles were standing in our way of finally getting married. We were waiting for my brother to return from Iraq. Finances. Becoming pregnant. Lots of big and time consuming obstacles. But when January rolled around this year and we started talking, we knew 2011 would be our year.

August is a mere 4 months away but it's nothing that isn't possible. It just means the wedding will consume most of my thoughts and free time but I know I can do it.

We do already have a beautiful venue booked. It's a winery downtown that has a rustic feel and has been around for more than 200 years. Hopefully that longevity will rub off on our marriage.